Selflessness, timelessness, effortlessness, richness.

A Mindful Guide To Peak Experiences

Peak experiences are what science calls self-transcendent or unity experiences. Explore your wider ecological self through awe, wonder and reverence.

The Nature of Peak Experiences

What Are Peak Experiences?

Have you ever had an experience where you felt a profound sense of unity and connectedness with something that was much bigger than yourself and impossible to put into words?

The Ancient Greeks referred to this experience as Ecstasis, which means to stand outside yourself and experience yourself as a larger whole connected to everything else.

Peak experiences are what science calls self-transcendent or unity experiences.

They are moments of self-actualization where we can explore our wider ecological self through powerful emotions like awe, wonder and reverence.

Peak experiences are defined by three major characteristics:

  1. Significance: The peak experience leads to an increased awareness of one’s path in life and can make for defining moments or turning points in life.
  2. Fulfillment: These experiences are intrinsically rewarding and generate positive emotions of awe, wonder, compassion and reverence.
  3. Spiritual: During the experience, one feels a sense of unity with the world with a wider ecological sense of selflessness, timelessness, effortlessness and richness.

Learn 7 Key Triggers For Peak Experiences:

Flow In Nature

1. Flow

Flow happens when you’re completely immersed in a meaningful and challenging activity.

To experience flow, we’ll do a plant and mushroom identification activity to see how many different local species you can identify in 10 minutes using an optical image recognition app.

2. Mindfulness

Mindfulness happens when you tune into your senses rather than your thoughts.

To experience mindfulness, we’ll do foundational mindful walking practice to let go of the labelling, judgement and analysis of your mind and tune into your embodied sensory experience.


3. Gratitude

Gratitude happens when you recognize and appreciate all the ways your life is a gift.

We’ll do a fun gratitude exercise to recognize our interconnectedness with the air we breathe, the earth we walk upon, the water that nourishes us and the fire of the sun that gives us life.

4. Love

Love happens through joyfulness, loving kindness and opening your heart.

To deepen our sensory connection, we’ll do a mindful walking practice offering loving kindness, gratitude and appreciation to all the other sentient beings that make our life possible.


5. Awe

Awe happens when you open your senses to the vastness and mysteriousness of life.

To experience an expansive sense of awe, we’ll do a practice of letting go of preconceptions and pausing to admire beautiful things with our full attention for brief micro-experiences of awe.

6. Wonder

Wonder happens when you follow your curiosity, contemplate life and ask bigger questions.

To better understand what sparks wonder in your life, you’ll be guided with some questions about the most important peak experiences in your life so far and what fascinates you most about life.


7. Nonduality

Nonduality refers to a primordial, natural awareness without subject or object.

When you strip away the dogma and doctrines, at the heart of nearly every religious tradition you will find nonduality, a belief in the oneness of being and a great spirit or creator that creates and interconnects everything.

We will end with a contemplation of how life’s most profound peak experiences involve brief glimpses of nondual awareness and incorporate aspects of all of these peak experiences.

Mindfulness, Flow States And The Art of Peak Experiences

Want to learn more about the art and science of mindfulness, flow states and peak experiences? Join the next online workshop.

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